SSL/TLS Sockets

The :std/net/ssl package provides functionality for working with SSL/TLS sockets.

To use bindings from this module

(import :std/net/ssl)


(interface TLS


(interface (SSLSocket StreamSocket TLS))



Returns the default SSL client context, which uses the system's PKI certificates.

This context is appropriate for making http requests.



Returns a client SSL context that performs no validation.

This context is suitable for debugging and connecting to legacy systems with broken SSL and systems with expired or self-signed certificates.


(make-client-ssl-context (min-protocol-version TLS1_2_VERSION))

Creates a client SSL context for some minimum supported TLS version.


(make-server-ssl-context cert-path key-path (min-protocol-version TLS1_2_VERSION))

Creates a server SSL context:

  • cert-path is the path to the PEM encoded certificate.
  • key-path is the path to the PEM encoded private key.

Contexts created with this procedure are suitable for servers, for example the embedded httpd daemon.


(ssl-connect addr (timeo #f)
             context: (context (default-client-ssl-context))
             host: (host #f)
  addr := inet-address
-> StreamSocket

Connects to address using context for the SSL context.

The optional host parameter can be used to specify the expected hostname for verification; useful if the address is an IP address. If it is not supplied, it defaults to he car of the address.


(ssl-client-upgrade sock (timeo #f)
                    context: (context (default-client-ssl-context))
                    host: host)
 sock := StreamSocket
-> StreamSocket

Upgrades a client-side StreamSocket (see the Standard IO Interfaces for details of this interface) to use SSL; this is the programmatic equivalent of STARTTLS.


(ssl-listen addr
            context: context
            backlog: (backlog default-server-backlog)
            sockopts: (sockopts default-server-sockopts))
-> StreamSocket

Listens for incoming TLS connections in addr


(ssl-server-upgrade stream-socket ssl-context)
  stream-socket := StreamSocket
-> StreamSocket

Upgrades a server-side StreamSocket (see the Standard IO Interfaces for details of this interface) to use SSL; this is the programmatic equivalent of responding of STARTTLS.


(ssl-error? obj)

Predicate checking whther an error condition is an SSL error.