Protocol Buffers

The :std/protobuf package provides support for Google's Protocol Buffers. The package provides a custom language prelude, which allows you to import modules in protobuf syntax like any other module.

Protobuf modules


#lang :std/protobuf/proto

This is the language prelude for protobuf modules. The expansion defines structures and methods for messages and enums defined in the module.

More specifically:

  • For each message:
    • Defines a struct that has the corresponding fields
    • Defines a keyword constructor that allows you to initialize the struct using keywords to define the fields.
    • Defines serializers and deserializers to read/write the message as extension methods for the BufferedReader and BufferedWriter interface -- see the Standard IO package documentation.
  • For each enum:
    • The values accepted for the enum are the symbolic constants defined in the enum declaration
    • Defines serializers and deserializers to read/write the enum as extension methods for the BufferedReader and BufferedWriter interface -- see the Standard IO package documentation.
  • Nested messages and enums are lifted and prefixed with the name of the enclosing message, separated with a dot.

For an example, consider the following protobuf:

message Request {
  enum Type {
    FOO = 0;
    BAR = 1;

  message Foo {
    optional string val = 1;

  message Bar {
    optional int32 val = 2;

  required Type type = 1;
  optional Foo foo = 2;
  optional Bar bar = 3;

This will expand to roughly the following code:

(def (bio-read-Request.Type buf)

(def (bio-write-Request.type val buf)

(defstruct Request.Foo (val)
  final: #t transparent: #t constructor: :init!)

(defmethod {:init! Request.Foo}
  (lambda (self val: (val #f))

(def (BufferedReader-read-Request.Foo buf)
(def (BufferedReader-read-Request.Foo! obj buf)
(def (BufferedWriter-write-Request.Foo buf obj)

(defstruct Request.Bar ...)

(defstruct Request (type foo bar)
  final: #t transparent: #t constructor: :init!)

(defmethod {:init! Request}
  (lambda (self type: type foo: (foo #f) bar: (bar #f))

Implementation Notes

  • Fields are serialized in declaration order.
  • Unknown fields are ignored in deserialization.
  • The parser does not accept empty statements from stray semicolons. That's more of a metalinguistic statement than a bug though, it would be easy to modify the parser to accept them.
  • service, extend, and option declarations are parsed but ignored by the expander.
  • group declarations are not accepted by the parser; I don't understand how groups work, as they are not really documented other than being deprecated.

I/O Procedures

The :std/protobuf/io library provides I/O procedures using the protobuf wire format.

Most of these procedures are low level procedures used by the protobuf expansion, so we don't document them here.

We do document however the useful user procedures.

To use bindings from this module

(import :std/protobuf/io)


(marshal obj write-e)
  obj     := any; the object to marshal
  write-e := lambda (buf obj); serializer procedure
=> u8vector

Marshals an object to its binary representation, using write-e as the serializer procedure.


(unmarshal bytes read-e)
  bytes  := u8vector; the binary object representation
  read-e := lambda (buf); deserializer procedure

Unmarshals an object from its binary representation, using read-e as the deserializer procedure.