PostgreSQL driver
(import :std/db/postgresql)
Have a look at the file to see more of how it is used with
the :std/db/dbi
The first way is simply to use the function.
(postgresql-connect host: "localhost" user: "foo" passwd: "bar")
;; => #<postgresql-connection #36>
But, often, we may want to close the connection when garbage collected so we,
the developer, don’t need to worry about hanging connections. Thus,
is often the better choice as it will
’s the
into being.
(import :std/db/dbi)
(def pg (sql-connect postgresql-connect host: "localhost" user: "foo" passwd: "bar"))
;; => #<postgresql-connection #36>
defcatalog, Postgresql->Gerbil->Postgresql mapping
A catalog tells us what to do with what postgresql gives us.
Here’s the basic syntax.
((_ (name mixin ...) (oids serialize deserialize) ...)
A mixin is not always needed. Here is our first version.
(defcatalog my-default-catalog
((16) (lambda _ "TRUE") (lambda _ 42))
((20 21 23 700 701 1700) (lambda _ "42") (lambda _ 42)))
Try it out by parameterize
’ing the current-catalog
(parameterize ((current-catalog my-default-catalog))
(sql-eval-query pg "SELECT 1, FALSE WHERE $1" 'hey-you))
;; => (#(42 42))
By default there is a default-catalog
. If we want to declare a new type within
the default this is where to go.
For example, PostgreSQL has a JSON type.
(let (stmt (sql-prepare pg "SELECT typname, oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_type WHERE typname ILIKE '%json%'"))
(cons (sql-columns stmt) (sql-query stmt)))
;; => (("typname" "oid") #("json" "114") #("jsonb" "3802") #("jsonpath" "4072")
;; #("_json" "199") #("_jsonb" "3807") #("_jsonpath" "4073"))
And, Gerbil does as well! Actually, the :std/test/json
just turns it into a hash table.
First we see the oid
’s for postgres’ json types. Select them as JSON to see
that as well.
(import :std/text/json)
(def res
(let (stmt
(sql-prepare pg "SELECT json_build_object(typname, oid)
FROM pg_catalog.pg_type WHERE typname ILIKE '%json%'"))
(cons (sql-columns stmt) (sql-query stmt))))
;; => (("json_build_object") "{\"json\" : \"114\"}" "{\"jsonb\" : \"3802\"}"
;; "{\"jsonpath\" : \"4072\"}" "{\"_json\" : \"199\"}" "{\"_jsonb\" :
;; \"3807\"}" "{\"_jsonpath\" : \"4073\"}")
(def json-res (map (cut call-with-input-string <> read-json) (cdr res)))
(map table->list json-res)
;; => (((json . "114")) ((jsonb . "3802")) ((jsonpath . "4072"))
;; ((_json . "199")) ((_jsonb . "3807")) ((_jsonpath . "4073")))
All we need is to (de)serialize them…
(def (serialize-json gerbil-json)
(call-with-output-string "" (cut write-json gerbil-json <>)))
(def (deserialize-json str)
(call-with-input-string str read-json))
… and add them to the default catalog.
(defcatalog-default ((114 3802) serialize-json deserialize-json))
Now our query return hash tables.
(let (stmt (sql-prepare pg "SELECT json_build_object(typname, oid) FROM pg_catalog.pg_type WHERE typname ILIKE '%json%'"))
(cons (sql-columns stmt) (sql-query stmt)))
;; => (("json_build_object") #<table #47> #<table #48> #<table #49> #<table #50>
;; #<table #51> #<table #52>)
Even better, we can pass them to queries!
(let (stmt (sql-prepare pg "SELECT * from json_each_text($1)"))
(cons (sql-columns stmt) (begin (sql-bind stmt (list->hash-table '(("foo" . 1) ("bar" . "baz"))))
(sql-query stmt))))
;; => (("key" "value") #("bar" "baz") #("foo" "1"))
What if we only want to change certain things from the default and not have them
be default, yet still have most of the default (de)serializers available?
and defcatalog
to the rescue.
Yes, mixin time!
First, note the difference. The default has a timestamp whereas ours does not.
(sql-eval-query pg "SELECT '2021-03-12'::timestamp, 1")
;; => (#(#<date #57 nanosecond: 0 second: 0 minute: 0 hour: 0 day: 12 month: 3
;; year: 2021 zone-offset: 0> 1))
(parameterize ((current-catalog my-default-catalog))
(sql-eval-query pg "SELECT '2021-03-12'::timestamp, 1"))
;;=> (#("2021-03-12 00:00:00" 42))
Make a new catalog with some mixins.
(defcatalog (united-default-catalog my-default-catalog default-catalog))
Which works as expected.
(parameterize ((current-catalog united-default-catalog))
(sql-eval-query pg "SELECT '2021-03-12'::timestamp, 1"))
;; => (#(#<date #58 nanosecond: 0 second: 0 minute: 0 hour: 0 day: 12 month: 3
;; year: 2021 zone-offset: 0> 42))
The current-catalog
parameter determines which catalog is used by default.
(eq? (current-catalog) default-catalog) ;; =? #t
We can parameterize
[ (parameterize ((current-catalog my-default-catalog))
(sql-eval-query pg "SELECT '2021-03-12'::timestamp, 1"))
(parameterize ((current-catalog united-default-catalog))
(sql-eval-query pg "SELECT '2021-03-12'::timestamp, 1")) ]
;; => ( (#("2021-03-12 00:00:00" 42))
;; (#(#<date #62 nanosecond: 0 second: 0 minute: 0 hour: 0 day: 12 month: 3
; ; year: 2021 zone-offset: 0> 42)))
Use it to declare a global default.
(current-catalog my-default-catalog)
(sql-eval-query pg "SELECT 1") ;; => (42)
Don’t forget to set it back 😃.
(current-catalog default-catalog)
(sql-eval-query pg "SELECT 1") ;; => (1)